Monday, September 19, 2011

The Whirlwind of Change Creates a Perfect Storm of Emotions - Go Within to Find Your Answers

What do you do when you feel that all hope is gone? That you just cannot go on any more? When you feel all alone and believe that you have no future, what do you do? Have you ever had those thoughts? I am sure many have.

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An incident occurred recently which brought these questions to mind. This is how I used to think and I also know how easy it is to fall back into that no-exit thinking pattern. When you allow one stray, doubtful thought into your mind, it calls all its relatives, friends and acquaintances. Nip it in the bud immediately and think of something else!



When change enters your lives, you feel it - it is that tangible. You feel afraid so you fight it, trying to push it away. That is when the experience becomes painful. You can control how you react to change but not the inevitability of it.

First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst. Dale Carnegie


In the calmer moments, you feel the irresistible urge to act and that momentum moves you inexorably forward. You feel powerful when you are going with the flow even though you do not know where exactly it's taking you. But all the same you feel good.

Then it all stops. There is a "flat" period; a calm in the eye of this whirlwind of change and you feel relieved. You mistakenly think it is over - that you can relax. It is really your opportunity to take charge and continue advancing at your pace. Change is an intrinsic part of life you know, so it will never be over until you die.


When everything in your life is changing and you do not know what to do, ask for help. That is something I never did until it felt like I was drowning.

I learned my lesson which is why I am telling you now - ask for help when you need it. If you do not have someone close, then meditate or pray - the universe will answer in a surprising way. Expect it.

Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well. Jim Rohn


When you control your thoughts, you control your reaction. When you change your reaction, you change the outcome. When you do none of these things, you end up being tossed and thrown about in a perfect storm of emotions.

Watching helplessly as your life is flung about and eventually smashed against the wall of your resistance. You will then be forced to bury the remains, pick up the remaining pieces and create a new one. Therefore, when change comes knocking at your door, open up and let it in. Resistance is an exercise in futility.

Go with the flow and while you might feel adrift at times as you are tossed about by life's events, stay strong. Find an outlet for your angst. Be still, centre yourself, and go within because the answers you seek are inside you.


Go within to find your answers by starting a journal, finding a meditation practice which suits you, starting an exercise programme that is fun for you. Exercise works because you release the frustrations and toxins which accompany stress. After which you feel focussed and calm and quiet on the inside.

Cry all the tears of injustice you want then pick yourself up, dust yourself off, focus on what you want and get on with it. Railing at others for their lack of support is a waste of energy because if you cannot make sense of what is happening in your life, how could you possibly expect others to do so.

When you lash out, most people are not evolved enough to walk away and they will respond in kind. So keep your mouth shut and save yourself a world of hurt.

Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. Unknown


Go inward. Yes, go inward to your ever welcoming still centre. Be quiet. Sit in silence. Listen to silence. Hear your breath. Feel the beat of your heart. Know that you are alive. You are thriving though you know it not.

You may at times feel as if you are striving instead, swimming upstream and meeting endless obstacles. You are and you will until you make it a habit to take a meditation break at least twice a day, in the morning and evening to reconnect to the calm inner you.


Must and have to's are words I avoid using. In this case however, you must accept what you cannot change regardless of how painful it is. Resistance really is futile. Understand the lesson life is teaching you through that experience, and learn to become still. Inner calm is essential to your well-being.

The Whirlwind of Change Creates a Perfect Storm of Emotions - Go Within to Find Your Answers

Catherine "Yours Truly" Hidalgo signing out!

The Self Confidence Formula

Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. Jim Rohn



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