Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shed Plans: What Am I Going To Do With My New Shed?

Shed Plans - What To Do With Your Shed
Although you prepare shed plans for your town's building department, board of assessors and, possibly the zoning board of appeals, so they can hold hearings on your shed plans, it is obvious that you are going to do something with your new shed so it is important to have shed plans ready for the day the ribbon is cut and the doors are opened.

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For most people, the new shed plans start with the simple premise, I just have to do something with the lawn furniture, the gardening tools, the snowblower (you fill in the rest)! So, probably the first things to are a complete inventory of all of the items you could conceivably want to put into the shed.


Generally, you'll find that your inventory and planned storage will overflow a standard-sized 9X12 or larger shed several times, even if you have a second room built. This isn't an ideal system, is it? No, it most definitely is not! Don't fret thought, as there is still hope for you.

So what do you do with your plans? You modify your planning to make your shed plans fit. In other words, if you can only fit your lawn furniture and gardening equipment comfortably without the need for a guide book and tour guide just to find your electric clippers plus a couple of pieces of larger summer equipment such as your riding mower and the like, then you have reached the limit and the rest of your equipment will have to go somewhere else.

Where will it go? Quite likely, since we are headed toward winter, we're talking about your snowblower and shovels, plus any tire chains and any other wintertime equipment, so your plans should now be amended to show that your winter equipment is in the garage, awaiting the first snowfall.

Before that snowfall, though, you'll probably have to get rid of about a billion tons of leaves or so and for that you'll either need a vacuum devices that also mulches and creates a nice start to a compost pile or just plain old rakes and lots of leaf bags for collection day.

Shed plans are just that the plans you have for your shed at any time and they all have their beginning when you first find your original plan in Popular Mechanics or at Home Depot or at Lowes.

Generally, you will find that you get a lot of satisfaction from the act of building your backyard shed yourself. But, remember there are rules that have to be followed so you will have to make sure your original plan is filed with the proper town boards and the proper hearings are held so that you and your neighbors don't go to war over the shed. Yes, it is true there are certain minimum-sized sheds that most towns are willing to accept without hearing so if you want to go the easy route and use one of those, then make sure you know the exact dimensions and the construction that you have to use.

Shed Plans Conclusion
This actually comes under the category of shed plans because it is ultimately the plan that will determine what you do with your shed when the time comes to use it. Your plans should be flexible enough to allow for change and even a change in the base plan itself. If you have left yourself this flexibility then everything will go smoothly and your new shed based on your shed plans will be a success. Make sure you look for plans that are flexible when you are comparing different ones, as it is always best to have lots of options when you undertake your unique project. If you are outsourcing the building of the shed to a contractor, make sure they are flexible as well as sometimes they will only stick to the plan which can hamper the process.

Shed Plans: What Am I Going To Do With My New Shed?

For more great information on Shed Plans, and to claim your free shed plans, visit my shed plans blog today!


How to Save Money on Your Home's Heating and Cooling Expenses

Is the high cost of heating during these long, cold winter months getting you down? While there's a constantly increasing cost of energy and desire to use less of it, some homeowners are motivated to look for ways to save and cut the high costs off their home's heating bill. With as little as a few simple changes, a few small home projects and a few energy saving habits, you can save money and use significantly less energy during these long, cold winter months.

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Some homeowners choose to make an investment in their homes by replacing their old storm windows for new energy efficient windows, but if new energy efficient windows are not in your budget this year, there are simple steps you can take to stop the cold air from entering your home and the warm air from escaping.

Purchasing new energy efficient windows is one of the best ways to stop cold air from entering your home and warm air from escaping, as well as preventing you from spending more money on your home's heating costs this winter season. New energy efficient windows can be quite a large investment if it is not in your yearly budget for home repairs.

If new energy efficient windows are not in this year's budget, you can always take steps to winterize your existing windows.

Weatherize your windows

Some homeowners tend to use a thick plastic film to safely secure and weatherize the windows in their home, this is a very effective method, but another option is using a plastic survival blanket. Some homeowners would never think to use survival blankets to weatherize their home, but they are very inexpensive, costing as little as . per window treatment. They can be purchased in the camping section at your local department or home improvement store; Wal-Mart, Kmart or Lowes. In addition to the plastic survival blanket, you will need a tape measure, hammer, double face tape or small tacks to safely secure to the window facing.

To begin weatherizing the windows in your home, first measure the size of the window. Once you have a proper measurement of the window, measure the survival blanket for proper fitting. A majority of the time, survival blankets are folded into a tiny rectangular shape. Once the window and survival blanket have been measured, place the shiny side of the survival blanket toward the inside of your home to help reflect the heat back into the room. The survival blanket, or plastic film, will allow some light to shine into the room, while sealing out the cold and saving you money.

In the event that survival blankets are not available in your local department store or home improvement center, place a simple spring tension curtain rod behind your existing curtains and fold a blanket over the tension rod. This will provide a heavy protective cover to assist in sealing out the cold. Using standard blankets will eliminate natural light from entering the room. During the warmest part of day, you can tie the curtains back to help allow natural light to enter the room.


Regardless of whether you use gas or electric heat in your home, you can save energy and cut costs by simply lowering the thermostat setting. During the winter months, it is highly suggested that homeowners reduce the thermostat to a temperature between 68 and 70 degrees.

Also, consider reducing the thermostat by 5-10 degrees during the night for comfortable sleeping, some experts claim sleeping in cooler temperatures is beneficial; this will help you to rest comfortably and save you money at the same time.

Dress for the season

Most homeowners tend to adjust by maintaining the temperatures in our homes in the cold winter months so we can continue to wear summer clothing. Remember, it is winter and you need to dress for the season. Proper winter clothing includes sweaters, long sleeve shirts, sweat shirts, sweat suits, long pants, socks, slippers or house shoes, and it is very important to layer your clothing to keep your body warm and comfortable.

Other options include placing throw blankets and covers on the couch or arm of the chair to provide convenient, but extra warmth to comfort you while you relax. Also, add extra blankets or comforters to your bedding to provide extra warmth and comfort while you are resting.

Clean your heating filters

One easy way to cut costs and conserve energy is to change or clean the air filters on your heating system once a month. Dirty air filters tend to hinder air movement and, long term, can raise your monthly heating costs.

Service your heating system

It is highly suggested that homeowners service their heating systems every fall. By having a furnace technician check your heating system, adjust and lubricate the furnace in your home it can save you up to 5% of your monthly heating energy.

How to Save Money on Your Home's Heating and Cooling Expenses

Contact the experts at Dr. Energy Saver Utah for more information about these services and products including replacement windows in Salt Lake City, and more! They offer a free estimate!


Improvising Fallout Protection

If an enemy attack should occur when you are at home, and you have made no advance shelter preparations, you still might be able to improvise a shelter either inside or outside your house. In a time of emergency, the radio broadcasts may tell you whether you have time to improvise a shelter or should take cover immediately.

storm doors with doggie doors

An improvised shelter probably would not give you as much protection as a permanent or a preplanned family shelter, but any protection is better than none, and might save your life.


The best place to improvise a shelter would be the basement or storm cellar, if your home has one.


To improvise a shelter you would need shielding materials such as those mentioned concrete blocks, bricks, sand, etc. Other things could also be used as shielding material, or to support shielding material, such as:

-House doors that have been taken off their hinges (especially heavy outside doors).

-Dressers and chests (fill the drawers with sand or earth after they are placed in position, so they won't be too heavy to carry and won't collapse while being carried).

-Trunks, boxes and cartons (fill them with sand or earth after they are placed in position).

-Tables and bookcases.

-Large appliances (such as washers and dryers).

-Books, magazines, and stacks of firewood or lumber.

-Flagstones from outside walks and patios.


Here are two ways of improvising fallout protection in the basement of a home:

Set up a large, sturdy table or workbench in the corner of your basement that is most below ground level.

On the table, pile as much shielding material as it will hold without collapsing. Around the table, place as much shielding material as possible.

When family members are "inside the shelter"-that is, under the table-block the opening with other shielding material.

If you don't have a large table or workbench available-or if more shelter space is needed-place furniture or large appliances in the corner of the basement so they will serve as the "walls" of your shelter.

As a "ceiling" for it, use doors from the house that have been taken off their hinges. On top of the doors, pile as much shielding material as they will support. Stack other shielding material around the "walls" of your shelter.

When all persons are inside the shelter space, block the opening with shielding material.


A below-ground storm cellar can be used as an improvised fallout shelter, but additional shielding material may be needed to provide adequate protection from fallout radiation.

If the existing roof of the storm cellar is made of wood or other light material, it should be covered with one foot of earth or an equivalent thickness of other shielding material for overhead shielding from fallout. More posts or braces may be needed to support
the extra weight.

After the roof has been shielded, better protection can be provided by blocking the entrance way with 8-inch concrete blocks or an equivalent thickness of sandbags, bricks, earth or other shielding material, after all occupants are inside the shelter. A few inches should be left open at the top for air. After particles have stopped falling, the outside door may be left open to provide better ventilation.

If shielding material is not available for the entrance way, shelter occupants should stay as far away from it as possible. They also should raise the outside door of the storm cellar now and then to knock off any fallout particles that may have collected on it.


Some homes without basements have "crawl space" between the first floor and the ground underneath the house. If you have this space under your house-and if the house is set on foundation walls, rather than on pillars-you can improvise fallout protection for your family there.

First, get access to the crawl space through the floor or through the outside foundation wall. (A trapdoor or other entry could be made now, before an emergency occurs.)

As the location for your shelter, select a crawl-space area that is under the center of the house, as far away from the outside foundation walls as possible.

Around the selected shelter area, place shielding material- preferably bricks or blocks, or containers filled with sand or earth-from the ground level up to the first floor of the house, so that the shielding material forms the "walls" of your shelter area. On the floor above, place other shielding material to form a "roof" for the shelter area.

If time permits, dig out more earth and make the shelter area deeper, so you can stand erect or at least sit up in it.


If your home has no basement, no storm cellar and no protected crawl space, here are two ways of improvising fallout protection in your yard:

Dig an L-shaped trench, about 4 feet deep and 3 feet wide. One side of the L, which will be the shelter area, should be long enough to accommodate all family members. The other side of the L can be shorter, since its purpose is to serve as an entrance-way and to reduce the amount of radiation getting into the shelter area.

Cover the entire trench with lumber (or with house doors that have been taken off their hinges), except for about 2 feet on the short side of the L, to provide access and ventilation.

On top of the lumber or doors, pile earth 1 to 2 feet high, or cover them with other shielding material.

If necessary, support or "shore up" the walls of the trench, as well as the lumber or doors, so they will not collapse.

Dig a shallow ditch, 6 inches deep and 6 inches wide, parallel to and 4 feet from the outside wall of your house.

Remove the heaviest doors from the house. Place the bottoms of the doors in the ditch (so they won't slip), and lean the doors against the wall of the house.

On the doors, pile 12 to 18 inches of earth or sand. Stack or pile other shielding material at the sides of the doors, and also on the other side of the house wall (to protect you against radiation coming from that direction).

If possible, make the shelter area deeper by digging out more earth inside it. Also dig some other shallow ditches, to allow rain water to drain away.


If your home has no basement or storm cellar (and no crawl space that is surrounded by foundation walls up to the first floor), you can get some limited fallout protection by improvising a fallout shelter on the first or ground floor of your house. However, this type of shelter probably would not give you nearly as much protection as the other types of improvised shelters described in this chapter.

Use an inner hall, inner room or large clothes closet on the ground floor, away from outside walls and windows.

With doors, furniture and appliances, plus stacks of other shielding material, you can create an enclosure large enough to live in for a short time. If possible, use boxes filled with sand or earth as shielding material, and fill drawers and trunks with sand or earth.

If there is not room for the shielding material in the limited space of a closet or small room, you can place the material on the other sides of the walls, or on the floor overhead.


If no better fallout protection is available, a boat with an enclosed cabin could be used. However, in addition to emergency supplies such as food, drinking water and a battery-powered radio, you should have aboard the items you would need (a broom, bucket, or pump-and-hose) to sweep off or flush off any fallout particles that might collect on the boat. The boat should be anchored or cruised slowly at least 200 feet offshore, where the water is at least 5 feet deep. This distance from shore would protect you from radioactive fallout particles that had fallen on the nearby land. A 5-foot depth would absorb the radiation from particles falling into the water and settling on the bottom.

If particles drift down on the boat, stay inside the cabin most of the time. Go outside now and then, and sweep or flush off any particles that have collected on the boat.

Improvising Fallout Protection

Jay Krunszyinsky is a Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselor and Abuse Investigator for the state of Pennsylvania. He has counseled youth, parents, and couples during crises and has provided crisis counseling during emergency situations. Visit his website at


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Know the Costs That Comprise a Residential Construction

Residential construction consists of sky rocketing costs. Once you decide on having your residential house built or a part of it constructed, you should also be decided to shell out a good amount of money. Although monetary aspect is an important factor in building a good house, you must be wise enough to choose contractors and builders that will not set high mark-ups for materials and labor costs.

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Knowledge is power. It does not necessarily mean that you know all the sides of construction but you must at least have an approximation of the costs. There are available online residential construction costs calculators which let you generate detailed material and direct costs estimates in consideration of your house designs.


Generally, residential construction costs are categorized into soft and hard. The soft costs include labor and materials while soft costs include title insurance, appraisals, architect's fees, etc. There are important variables accompanying the basic residential construction costs. These are the quality, cooling, heating, material used, shape, geographic area and design features.

All the variables enumerated above are essential in estimating your costs. It will be best to decide first on the design of your house before entering into any construction agreements. Listed below are some questions to start with your design and cost estimation:

1. How many corners will your house have? Outside perimeter's shape is necessary to estimate the total cost of construction. Take note that more complex shapes correspond to added expenses due to complicated structure of floor area. Most residents have four, six, eight and ten corners; other outline includes the garage area.

2. How large will be your living area? Of course, smaller houses with small living areas entail lower construction costs rather than large buildings. Measure the living area and estimate the construction cost of the area including annexes, lean-tos and other addition but exclude the basement, attic, and porch.

3. What is the quality of your house? Residential houses depend generally on quality and one important cost variable to achieve this is the quality of construction. You can either choose to have the best at high price or low quality at low cost. The quality of foundation, exterior walls (i.e., wood, brick, metal), exterior finish, windows and doors, roofing, bathrooms, kitchen, flooring and plumbing are the dimensions wherein high quality construction must be applied.

4. Will there be a balcony, exterior porch, attic, basement or garage? How many? Additional room and structure entails additional costs; aside from the materials to be used in building them. Decide on the number of attics or porches necessary for your house.

5. Where is the location of your house? Those houses built by merchant builders in suburban areas and housing tracts carry less residential construction costs than those built in metropolitan areas. For example, New York new house construction is 34% more expensive than the 19 next largest cities of Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, etc.

6. What cooling and heating system will your house have and how many? Most houses have central cooling and heating systems, while other houses have cooling or heating unit designed to cool and heat only one portion of the house. Included in the heating and cooling system are wall and floor furnaces, through-the-wall coolers or window, and baseboard electric heating; all adding to your construction costs.

After conceptualizing your house and designing it, it will then be the start of your estimation. The estimate might only be for simple house and exceptionally decorative houses will really cost more. You can seek the help of a reliable house builder in the cost estimation. Residential construction costs will still vary on the owner and online cost estimator can aid you in planning to construct your dream home.

Know the Costs That Comprise a Residential Construction

Cynthia Olga writes about unfinished cabinets lowes and hickory kitchen cabinets


Cheap Interior Louvered Shutters - How to Find Quality Shutters For Discounted Prices

Finding cheap interior louvered shutters is a process that is pretty simple and straightforward. However, if you are in the market to buy a set then there are some important questions you should ask yourself before making the final decision. Your first priority when looking for discounted louvered shutters is finding ones that are of great quality and are going to last for many years to come.

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If you find a bargain that seems too good to be true then the last thing you want is to find out that they were poorly made and deteriorate rapidly. Lets take a look at some of the features and uses for indoor louvered window shades.


What are the Uses?

With louvered shutters, there are several primary functions that make them a great addition to just about any home. First, they are wonderful when it comes to privacy. If have extra privacy in your home is important to you, then being able to open and close the shutters will really add value to them. Second, louvered window shades are excellent for controlling how much light shines into your home.

When you open the horizontal slats you allow for more sunlight to come through, but you can easily limit it by closing them. Finally, being able to open the slats can really allow for extra air circulation. This is a wonderful feature that you will surely enjoy on a nice day.

What is the Best Material?

One of the most popular materials for indoor shutters is wood. Wooden shutters have a nice, natural look to them that really brings out the beauty of the interior of your home. They are available in many designs and styles, so you will have no shortage of options. You can also choose from vinyl and aluminum shutters. They are great for being

extra durable and can be adapted to fit just about any room you wish.

Where Can You Get Them for Cheap?

Finding bargain shutters is pretty easy. The first place you can look is on line. There are multiple vendors that sell interior additions. If you want to possible get some that are used then you can check out EBay or Craigslist. You can find rock bottom prices on shutters that sometimes are barely used. If you do not want to look on line then

checking local home improvement stores like Home Depot is a great choice. Lowes is another good option.

Remember that the number one thing you are looking for when buying discounted interior louvered shutters is great quality and long last durability. Once you find a bargain that includes these qualities you will surely have them for many years to come.

Cheap Interior Louvered Shutters - How to Find Quality Shutters For Discounted Prices

Charles Mullin writes about area rugs, home interior ideas and more at Discounted Interior Louvered Shutters


Door Knob Replacement

Does your door knobs open and close like they need to? Simply change the door knob, it is simple and easy.

storm doors with pet door

Take a moment to stop and take into account how many times your doors get closed and opened every day.Most of us go in and out our door many times day-after-day and it's common for your door knobs to get worn out and need to get exchanged.


Anyone can certainly replace the door knobs inside of their home by using a screwdriver as well as a very little patience; here is some good information regarding how to make all your doors open and close easily.

The kind of door knob you need depends on whether or not they are an exterior door or an interior door.

Exterior door knobs will certainly be required to have a good lock on the door and are required to be weather resistant and a more heavy duty kind door knob than an interior knob set. Any time you replace the outside door knob you are going to have a deadbolt latch which should be replaced at the same time so that you can have matching keys for each of the locks.

Interior doors have a practical door knob and are available in two standard general sizes; 2-3/8 inches and also 2-3/4 in. The best way to choose which type your door needs would be to measure from the sharp edge of your door to the actual center of your door knob. If you buy a brand new door knob, numerous door knob sets are variable that will fit either size door.

To remove the current door knob use the appropriate kind of screwdriver and take the two main screws loose altogether. Pull on the knobs coming from each direction and so the knob will come apart on each side.

To take out the latch take out the 2 anchoring screws on the door edge and the face plate, now the latching mechanism should pull out. Now take out the strike plate on the door facing by simply removing the 2 anchoring screws which have been retaining it in position.

Now you are all set to begin your installation; in the event you purchased an adjustable door knob be sure it is arranged on the correct position.

You've got to install the latch to start off; put it through the small hole confirming it doesn't bind up and screw it firmly into place. Simply somewhat snug the anchoring screws, this can let you shift it around slightly to allow the knob assembly to operate a bit more smoothly, you'll be able to tighten all of them later.

Now you have everything all set to slide the door knob assembly into position, place the part in first which receives the screws, the spindle will have to go all the way through the latching assembly and simply fit the opening properly. When you are grasping it just gently spin the knob forwards and backwards, this allows you realize that you already have it in properly.

Now place the additional knob set up directly into place and screw it into place, again; simply sung the screws and ensure the door knob moves freely. When door knob operates properly right carefully tightening the screws on your knob and also the latch assembly.

At this time install the strike plate located on the door facing simply by being certain that it fits in the slot properly and installing the screws.

Gradually examine the door and then make any necessary modifications.

Straightforward work saving tip; Be sure you turn the latching mechanism as well as the latch the appropriate direction to begin with, you can certainly insert them in backwards and then have to re-do your work.

Door Knob Replacement

Preston Sandlin is a home inspector and real estate investor in Charlotte NC. He has been performing home inspections and buying real estate in Charlotte NC for over 12 years. He is a member of the North Carolina Home Inspector's Association, the Charlotte Regional Realtors Association, and the BBB.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Breathe Easier By Installing Larson Screen Doors

Once the harsh winter is over and spring begins, people want to be outside and enjoy the fresh air. They also want the fresh air in their homes. Many are tempted to leave their windows and doors wide open in order to fill their homes with the fragrant fresh air of spring. Without a protective barrier, this is also an open invitation for bugs and insects to enter the house. Window screens and doors, precisely Larson screen doors, are the answer to this problem.

storm doors with pet access

A screen door is another door that is installed on either the front door or back door of the home. Most homes have a screen door on both. The installation of screen doors gives the homeowner the perfect barrier against bugs and pests, and keeps the unwanted nuisances out of the home. The installation of them is simple. Most people are able to do it themselves without hiring a professional. They also can have screens placed on porches and decks, places where a lot of outside entertaining is done.


Adding screen doors to a house offer many satisfactory benefits. The best benefit is that they are available in a variety of materials and designs. It is easy for a homeowner to find a door that fits the personality of their home and family. They can be manufactured from steel, aluminum, wood, or fiberglass. These materials are durable and weather resistant. They can withstand the normal wear and tear that will come over the years. They are also strong enough to stand up to the elements.

Technology has affected the industry in a great way. These days, screen doors are getting more and more advanced. There are retractable doors, doors that slide on a track, and there are even electronic doors that are operated by remote control. Another new kind of door is the portable screen doors. These can be uninstalled with ease and placed into a tube when they are not in use. Many homeowners do not want to hide their attractive front door so these doors are a good option for them.

These doors also have the added benefit of protecting against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. They keep families, pets, and the homeowner's prized possessions safe from sun damage. They are made of extremely weather resistant materials. The materials are strong and durable enough to endure extreme weather and changes in the weather.

Recently, screen and storm door manufacturers have started making screen doors with built in screens. This is a great change from what was previously being done. When the weather changed to colder temperatures, homeowners were forced to remove the screens and replace them with glass panels in order to keep the cold out. These new screen doors allow the homeowner to keep the screen in the door and just slide down the glass panels.

Many companies manufacture them. Larson screen doors rise above the competition. They are the leaders in customer satisfaction. They also lead the industry in sales. Their doors do not cost a lot of money, generally. There are some pricier models but they are worth the price because of the added benefits.

Larson screen doors are available around the country in home improvement stores and hardware stores. They can also be purchased online. There are thousands of customers who have no complaints about their purchase and will purchase again if necessary.

Breathe Easier By Installing Larson Screen Doors

I have even more reviews and information about Larson storm doors and Larson screen doors at my website. I will also let you in on a little secret: Where to get them cheaper than anyplace else on the web;) Many thanks for reading, and good luck!


Installing Garage Doors in Your Home

Replacing or installing garage doors can be accomplished by a homeowner that has good tool handling skills and basic mechanical knowledge. In many cases you can save as much as 40 percent of the cost by installing the garage doors yourself. Many garage door manufactures will try to discourage you from installing your own doors. In some cases they will even use fear as a tool to keep garage doors pricing high. Garage door installation is a very lucrative business. In general installation or replacement of a garage door is a two person job that may require multiple days to complete.

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You can find all the assistance you need using the Internet and by visiting one the large home improvement stores such as Home Depot or Lowes. It is very important that you correctly measure your door opening including the header clearance above the door. You will need about 12 inches to correctly install the torsion spring and garage door opener. If you have less room there are several low headroom kits available that will be necessary for installing garage doors.


The main point of risk from installing garage doors comes from the torsion spring that is used to assist in lift a heavy door. This spring is located on the header wall on the inside of the garage. This spring when correctly installed essentially makes the garage door weightless when opening and closing. When the garage door is in the down position these springs are tightly wound as the door opens they will unwind to help lift the door. These springs do break with a very loud noise that can be frightening. Due to the amount of stored energy in the spring not loading or unloading it correctly can cause serious injury or death. However if you follow the installation instructions correctly there is no more injury risk than that of working with any power tool. Many garage door manufactures like Clopay have very good online installation instructions.

If you are not handy with tools or are uncomfortable with the risk then by all means hire a professional to replace the spring or for installing your doors. The other type of garage door spring is sometimes called extension springs and they are very easy to replace with minimal risk. Again simply follow the instructions and you will not have any problems.

Installing garage doors for the first time will require a degree of patience to complete. Hanging the tracks correctly may require a making corrections several times. Do not cut corners as a garage door may often weigh as much as 500 lbs and will be supported by these hangers and tracks.
Some of the tools that you will need include:

Cordless reversible drill
Several feet of 1 ¼ inch punched angle iron
Saw Horses
You will also need a number of fasteners that will be prescribed by the installation instructions.

Installing garage doors is really not that hard to accomplish if you are good at fixing things around the house. However if you are unsure about the process then we suggest you hire a contractor to do the job. If at all possible you should spend the time to watch the installation taking notes and pictures. This education will come in handy the next time you will be replacing or installing garage doors. It is always easier to do something once you have all ready seen it done. Installing garage doors on your own will not only save you money but also help you in maintaining your new door and assist in making any necessary future repairs.

Installing Garage Doors in Your Home

James Kesel, MS, is the publisher of the Garage Doors Pricing Website located at Providing information on installing garage doors and the purchasing and operation of a garage door.


Interior Sliding Glass Doors For Modern Design and Functionality

A crafty and stylish alternative to traditional swinging doors are interior sliding doors. This style of door can accommodate various interior design styles and put a modern twist on your décor. Space saving and functional interior sliding doors come in a wide variety of textures and designs.

storm doors

Glass interior sliding doors are probably the most popular style of sliding door. Commonly used in offices as they open up a small space and make it feel productive and professional and also offer a good source of light to less exposed areas providing plenty of brightness in your workspace. Wooden interior sliding doors are popular in urban spaces such as lofts as they give you a comfortable, country feel and a tremendous amount of style and character that no other material can provide.


Whatever style of door you choose keep in mind that it is not uncommon these days for consumers to install these doors themselves. Professional interior sliding door installation is not always included in the sale price so be sure to confirm when purchasing if installation is included. If not, interior sliding door hardware usually only consists of a few pieces that anyone with basic construction knowledge can do themselves. Take on the task with a friend or hire someone for a minimal fee to help you out.

In the home, interior sliding doors have always been popular for access to patios or backyards. Now interior sliding doors are commonly used as bathroom, bedroom and kitchen doors, to name a few of the alternatives to the traditional swinging door. Sliding doors are perfect for small spaces such as apartments or condos as they don't take up your precious space or interfere with foot traffic when they are open. It's simple yet effective design aspects such as this that are making interior sliding doors a commonplace in contemporary homes and offices. Do some research online or visit an interior sliding door dealer to find the best design solution for you.

Interior Sliding Glass Doors For Modern Design and Functionality

Specialty Doors offers the finest in interior glass doors and sliding doors to add functionality and a unique modern look to any home or office.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to Install a Cat Door

Pets are the best friends for man. Cats are commonly grown as pets at home and they become one with the family. In case you have a cat that loves to go outside often, it is recommended to install a cat door so that you do not restrict the free movement of the animal.

storm doors with pet access

Cat doors are quite easy to set up if you know how to use a basic jigsaw and a drill. You need to choose a cat door according to the size of your pet. If your cat is quite thin, a small door is easy for the animal to wiggle in and out. Typically small cats require cat door which is around five inches wide and around seven inches in height. However, if your cat is on the fatter side, choose a medium sized door (about 12 inches height and width of 8 inches).


In order to arrive at a perfect measurement of the door, take the height of the cat from the floor to the top of its head. Then measure the height from the underside belly of your pet to the floor. This measure can be used to mark the bottom line of the door.

Mark these measurements and trace the outline. Now is the time to use the drill. Create ½ inch holes on the four corners of the door and cut out the rectangular piece using the jigsaw to create an opening. Use the sandpaper to smoothen out the edges.

Place the cat flap in the opening and mark the edges again. Make screw holes using a drill. Tighten the bolts and screws. Note that the lock of this door should face the inside.

How to Install a Cat Door

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in education. He also offers top quality articles like:
Add LLC Ownership, Small Dents Off


Glass Door Knob - Make The Antique Look Complete With A Skeleton Keyhole

It's the small details that really can go a long way towards making your new house look older than it is. For many who want to take on an old Victorian or other historic décor style, they look at the big things, like paint jobs, furniture and other larger things that can create the look they are hoping for.

storm doors with pet access

All these things are important to create a proper décor style, but once they are all in place there may be a realization that something still isn't quite right. There's still something missing. It's the details. From light switch plates to accents around the glass door knob, there are a number of things that are necessary to make sure the room is the total package, and not just most of the look that would suit the decorative style.


One of the most overlooked things is the pieces on the door. Sure you have a beautiful antique glass door knob, but it still doesn't look complete, does it? The reason is that a glass door knob is not enough to finish the image. Adding a plate is a step in the right direction, offering a metal background to the door knob, and making it sparkle a little more, but there's still something that's not quite right about it.

When you watch movies that were set in a Victorian time period you will likely see that someone always gets locked in one of those beautiful rooms. Yes, that's what you're missing... the keyhole that is such a staple with old Victorian doors. Without a keyhole, and a skeleton key, how can you lock someone in the room? Not that we recommend making a habit of this, but it's a neat effect if you're holding a mystery dinner event.

So, where does one look for those old keyholes with skeleton keys? Lucky for you they are in two different hardware markets and in two different styles. The first kind is the real thing. There are antique keyhole plates and skeleton keys that can be found in either working or show pieces. The working ones will take a little more work to install since they will be actual operational locking mechanisms to be put into the door. The other styles are show pieces. They look as if your door has an operational old fashioned keyhole and lock, but don't require the inner working mechanism. If you want to make them a little more realistic, you can make sure there is a hole through the door where the keyhole will go, so they can be looked through to see what is happening on the other side.

If you don't want to put the money and the search time into finding real antique key plates to go with your glass door knob, you can also look for replica plates. With the popularity of the Victorian style of décor, many companies have created new versions of old favorites in both working and show styles making it easy to ensure you have those finishing touches.

Glass Door Knob - Make The Antique Look Complete With A Skeleton Keyhole

Author Jennifer Akre, owner of many sites dedicated to indoor and outdoor home decor products and information, provides online consumers with advice on purchasing elegantly authentic or replica antique doorknobs, sparkling glass door knobs and glittery, jewel-like glass doorknobs.


Plexiglas Room Dividers As a Modern Solution For Open Spaces

One of the best ideas for separating large spaces is to use Plexiglas room dividers. There are a lot of ideas for using them including using them simply as a decorative conversation piece. Plexiglas is not the only material that makes a good divider. Acrylic and plastic are excellent dividers and are safer for children than regular glass. If you are somewhat creative and handy with tools you could even make your own. Many home supply retailers such as Home Depot and Lowes carry large sheets of Plexiglas in a wide range of colors. With the right tools you can design and install some one-of-a-kind dividers.

retractable screen doors lowes

Plexiglas dividers are a modern way to divide up a large space in order to better utilize every inch of space you have. They can be contemporary in style with very few sleek lines or be reminiscent of yesteryear with a retro look. Some of these dividers may be folding dividers such as an accordion style. Some are made with wood at the bottom of the sliding panels and Plexiglas windows at the top. These are much safer around small children because you don't have to worry about the glass breaking and injuring your child.


Prices will vary depending on the size, materials and design you choose. When purchasing sliding, folding or multifold versions you must furnish accurate dimensions to your retailer so they can better help you fit the partition to your needs. If you are simply looking to replace an existing divider and like the size of the old one, simply measure the old partition and take those dimensions to local retailers to get the size you need. Plexiglas room dividers are great for a replacement door for a pantry or laundry room because most of them will fold or slide out of the way leaving the entire entryway free of any obstacles.

There are many colors that Plexiglas comes in so you may consider using several different colors to create the one you want. You can even hang your own Plexiglas by simply purchasing a track system, drilling some holes in a few sheets and hanging them on the track system. This is one of the easiest versions to install. They are also much cheaper than constructing a new wall or installing other fixtures. When you consider using Plexiglas room dividers, there are few things to consider.

You want to consider where it will be used. Pure clear sheets of Plexiglas are not appropriate for the shower regardless how beautiful your girlfriend is! You wouldn't want clear Plexiglas dividers in a bedroom or separating a living room from a bedroom. You will also want to consider the style you need. Most of the Plexiglas room dividers are contemporary in style and will go with any decor but if you have a retro decor, installing a contemporary divider could make your room look off kilter and less attractive to yourself and others.

Plexiglas Room Dividers As a Modern Solution For Open Spaces

For more information concerning PLEXIGLASS ROOM DIVIDERS and other divider styles, visit


Saturday, August 27, 2011

How to Build an Outdoor Step With Retaining Blocks

Building outdoor steps doesn't have to be hard or expensive. You can spend hundreds of dollars measuring and cutting out wooden stairs. In fact you'll even need to use higher math to figure out rise over run, the correct angle and such. It's a pain and your time is better spent putting in a stair system that is not only as attractive but lasts longer. Why not build some outdoor steps with retaining blocks? All you need to learn how to build an outdoor step with retaining blocks is a little bit of planning, and some sweat.

storm doors lowes

The first step is to measure how tall, wide, and long your steps will be.


With these measurements you can place an order at a home improvement store and get exactly what you need delivered right where you want it.

The only tool you should need to build the steps is a shovel.

Like any building, a safe sturdy foundation is the key to success.

Remove any grass or plants from around the entire step area.

Smooth and level the dirt using one of the retaining blocks to compact the dirt.

Now that you have a level area for your steps you can start laying the retaining blocks.

Start at the back of the stairway. This is where your highest step will go. Lay a row of retaining blocks the entire width of the stairway you've designed.

When laying these blocks be sure that they sit flush with one another and don't move around. You can twist and tap them into place until you have a secure fit.

Repeat this for the entire length of the stair run.

Now that you've laid the first set of steps do the same thing again.

Start at the back and lay another row on top of the first moving towards the front of the stair.

The second row will stop about 12 inches, or 1 retaining block length before the bottom row.

That's all there is to learning how to build an outdoor step out of retaining blocks.

Keep repeating the pattern, checking for stability in each row, until you've finished off the top step.

For added stability grab a few bags of really fine sand and sweep it into the stair cracks. It isn't required but can add some extra stability.

Depending on how high the stairs are you may want to build handrails. This isn't as hard as it looks. All you need to do is measure from the ground to 4 feet above the top stair.

Sink a post in the ground to this height

Sink another one at the foot of the stairwell 4 feet above the ground.

Lay a plank across the 2 posts and nail together.

Setting up a set of stairs using concrete retaining blocks is an easy affordable job that anyone can handle. All you need is a little time, materials and this guide and voila you know how to build an outdoor step with retaining blocks.

How to Build an Outdoor Step With Retaining Blocks

Author Jennifer Akre is an owner of numerous niche online stores that offer customers not only products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating indoor and outdoor living spaces. Whether you want to renew your deck or patio with garden benches or create the ultimate living environment with deck furniture that is perfect for entertaining, there is a lot of helpful advice to take advantage of to make it happen. Click today and indulge your senses.


Tips on Buying Wood Front Doors

Wood front doors continue to be favored the world over due to their elegance and natural warmth. The kind of wood front doors you choose will depend upon your taste, place you live, the overall architecture of your home and the budget that you have allocated for this purpose. Here are some tips which may help you in buying wood front doors.

storm doors lowes

You find wood doors in a large number of designs, colors, wood types and sizes. There are a range of wood types to choose from for your door. These include mahogany, teak, chestnut, walnut, oak, pine, fir and cherry wood. You could go in for a solid wood door, a paneled one or that which has glass inserts in it. A wood door with stained glass panel would bring in lot of light. The colors of the stained glass should be in sync with your windows and exterior wall. In terms of design, there are a whole range of options for you. If you want to go in for a vintage look, you could buy a wood door with the look of an earlier time such as the Victorian, Georgian, Tudor eras. Some doors have exquisite carvings on them or delicate inlay work. Others offer a minimalist look keeping in mind contemporary tastes of certain people.


Most front doors, including the wood ones, conform to one of the following styles. The usual kind is the single acting doors which are hinged on one side and hence open in only one direction. Then there are the bi-folded doors which have two panels that fold in the middle and move to one direction. This is appropriate if you have a wide space for a front door. The third style is that of the sliding door which is again popular but more with glass doors.

The main thing to be cognizant of while selecting wood doors is that they should be in perfect blend with the overall look of your home. The other thing is that your door is the first thing that a visitor notices. Therefore, it should cast a good impression on your visitors. For some people, the door is a form of style statement of the lifestyle of those living in the house.

There are some facts about wood front doors that you should know. They are prone to damage with extreme weather conditions such as high temperatures, rain, frost and humidity. They are also susceptible to termite attacks, cracks and warps. Though the wood doors available now days are of better quality, yet they generally require a greater degree of maintenance over the years as compared to doors made from other materials such as fiberglass and steel. These days, you find that wood doors have steel interiors. Even fiberglass doors come with a wood finish.

According to the principles of Feng shui, your front door should not be see-through such as a glass front door. Solid wood door is highly recommended to ensure safety and security. Red and green are auspicious colors for front doors. Hope all these tips will help you in selecting the right kind of wood front doors for your home.

Tips on Buying Wood Front Doors

David has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website that discusses some great ideas on home renovating products such as the best front entry doors and a great range of wood front doors that can be used for homes of all shapes and sizes to add some great street appeal.


Friday, August 26, 2011

How to Hire the Right Building Contractor for Your Home Remodeling Project

Finding and hiring the right home remodeling contractor for your home remodeling project can be daunting and confusing. You can easily search the web or look in the yellow pages and find many home remodeling contractors listed in your area but the question remains - which one do you hire for your home remodeling project. Which one will perform quality work, charge a fair price and get the job done on time.

security doors lowes

To reduce the risk of hiring the wrong home remodeling contractor you should first do a little preparation yourself for the home remodeling project. Sketch out and write down what you want remodeled. Provide a copy of this information to each prospective home remodeling contractor as this will help to minimize misunderstandings of requirements.


If you are adding a home addition, use stakes and string or even spray paint and mark the area on the existing lawn/ground.

Next talk to your local building inspector to understand what permits and building requirements are necessary for your home remodeling project.

Visit home improvement centers such as Lowes and Home Depot, and look at materials expected to be used on your project (e.g. lumber, doors, windows, appliances, countertops, roofing material, etc.). Make note of their costs so you will be able to compare material costs proposed by prospective contractors. While visting home improvement centers also talk with some of the employees about costs and lead times for particular products of interest. For example, there are many types of doors and windows and frequently there can be significant lead times for deliveries.

When you start calling prospective contracts ask for references and previous work that you can visit.

Finally, make sure you get multiple quotes and make sure that they are in writing. Also ask how long the quotaion is vaild.

For further help in hiring a home remodeling contractor for your next home remodeling project visit HomeAdditionPlus' Home Addition Bid Sheets. Home Addition Bid Sheets include the tools and information you need to ensure you hire the right home remodeling contractor for you home remodeling project. Each bid sheet contains a comprehensive checklist of questions to ask prospective contractors, as well as cost and timeframe estimates. Home Addition Bid Sheets help ensure that your home remodeling project will be accomplished on time and on budget.

How to Hire the Right Building Contractor for Your Home Remodeling Project

Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit and


Roll Shutters - Easy Privacy and Storm Protection

You may think purchasing new shutters for your home would be a simple task, but it is not. There are many different styles, materials and colors, making your decision a difficult chore. What are roll shutters? Will they look the best on your home? How much do they cost? What is currently the most popular type of shutter?

storm doors black

There are many uses for roll shutters. Besides covering windows, they can be used on doors, skylights, and screened porches both inside and outside. Roll shutters are not just for personal use either, many business use them for service windows, pull up windows, and kiosks commonly seen in shopping malls. They are an everyday sight but how functional are they?


To protect their windows from sun, wind, rain, and other forces of nature, many people install roll shutters. They prevent many kinds of damage, such as fading, leaks, and shattering. They also reduce the level of noise and prevent breakins. But are roll shutters worth the extra cost of purchasing and installing them?

This is somewhat more expensive than the basic shutters. When you consider how beneficial that roll shutters are, this little difference is worth the cost. Usually the median price is similar to high grade patio doors or windows.

These hurricane shutters, as some call them, could end up saving you money over time. The damage that is caused by weather and other factors can become very costly. Even if the homeowner has insurance that will cover this damage, chances are there will be a high deductible and there is a possibility that the insurance company will raise their premiums. You can lessen these damages, if not avoid them entirely, by using these shutters.

If you are thinking about using these shutters, you should find a company that will meet you at home and give you an approximate idea of the cost. Make sure the cost of set up is added in also. It is recommended that you investigate the company and obtain referrals before you agree to the purchase.

Roll Shutters - Easy Privacy and Storm Protection

Roll Shutters do much more than merely cover the widows. These Hurricane Shutters are used for Storm Protection, and protection from the sun, wind, rain and other elements. They offer protection from fading, leaking, breakage, and other damage. Also, many people opt for these shutters for noise reduction, and to keep intruders away. The price is slightly more than for regular shutters. But when you consider all of the advantages of these shutters, the small price difference is worth it. Generally, the average cost is roughly the same as for a high quality patio door or window. To find out more about hurricane protection please visit our site [].


The Most Overlooked Components of Value

Homes built prior to 2002, in many parts of the country, were built with brass builder-standard hardware; not just door levers and knobs, but hinges, door stops, cabinet hardware, bath hardware and front door handle sets. With the current housing market suffering and a large majority of homes carrying negative equity, folks want to know where to go from here. Here is a relatively simple solution to update a home for less time and money than even typical paint changes. Simply change your hardware.

storm doors lowes

While changing out your hardware is a relatively simple endeavor. I discourage clients from running to the local box store, less they are committed to spending considerably more both in cash and ever-shrinking precious time. Some things to consider when changing your hardware:


The purpose of Door Hardware is Function: Door Hardware should service Security First. With new styles added each and everyday, you can now Enhance Design. Finish Matters: Consistency of finish throughout your home is a signature of timeless quality. Request a sample, mount it and contemplate. Colors are influenced by wood tones and light. Install with a Purpose: Door hardware should be fixed, mortised and square.
Security First: While our economy does lend itself to a rise in crime, door security is not JUST about keeping your home and family safe from human intruders-intruders also take the form of filthy critters.

The home owner of a beautiful home up in the Southern Idaho foothills called our shop. She had six outdoor entrances. She called hysterical - she had mice-colonies of them! Her door hardware was insufficient to properly support the heavy 8 ft doors that so gorgeously defined her sense of style. While it looked great when she purchased it - just over a year later, the weight of the doors was too much for the rinky-dink hardware installed at a great savings to the builder and cost to this family. The interior of the latches were constructed of plastic, a cheap alternative sold by one of our own local lumberyards. It left just enough closing gap to serve as an open invitation for mice.

According to the current statistics on crime, a high percentage of intruders enter through the front door.

Tips for ensuring door security

Fixed Mortise latches ensure that the latch bolt is fixed in place and not easily damaged. Deadbolts are often inadequate. The longer the deadbolt extends into the door frame, the more secure the entry system. Be sure that your deadbolt length is adequate. Latch construction is critical to the latches ability to sustain any degree of forced entry. Several lock brands on the market use an inexpensive zinc alloy material to construct their latches. This significantly reduces the cost of the latch. It also significantly reduces the life of the latch. In addition, some of the most popular builder standard lock lines used in new construction use a plastic component within the adjustable latch. This creates a very weak security system.
Enhance Design: The current hardware market is by far more diverse than five years ago. The design and finish choices are endless within all product price groups. Seek the hardware brands that are most mindful of design. One such manufacturer can be found at Fusion Hardware Group dot com. Fusion is dedicated to the design styles used in modern architecture. The hardware includes door, hinge, bath, cabinet, faucets and trim. Moen Bath Hardware and accessories can be found at CSI dot Moen dot Com. Moen now has over thirty decorative styles with various finishes. The Moen Bathware Outlet is a exceptional place to purchase online.

Tips for Design Choice:

Look at your home. Assess the roof line, doorway shapes, cabinets, door designs and any other special architectural aspects. Look at your decor. What genre of furniture do you own? What colors are you attracted to? Finally, look at your options. Review the design choices available.
Finish Matters: There are various schools of thought in regards to matching finishes. Aesthetically, some designers adhere to the belief that you can coordinate too much. These designers frequently inter-mix finish colors, using less rigid design rules to create a sense of comfort from chaos. Opposing views would claim that accents can be added from other decor areas, but fixtures and architectural elements should create a sense of continuity throughout the home. Who do you listen to? Consider visiting the most plush resort spa. All components are consistent and create a sense of secure leisure. Our general attraction to these environments supports our inner desire for sensible decor. Face it; those who intermix, are either deeply connected to eclectic pieces or their perception of the budget requirements has dictated a mix-and-match approach.

Finish hardware that does not match distracts the eye and takes attention off of other key aspects of the home. That which matches is rarely noticed; as it should be with hardware.

Colors of walls and wood, combined with the natural light source, dramatically impact our perception of hardware finish.

Tips for Finish Choice:

Use a sample cabinet knob against your wood finishes within your home, to adequately assess the finish color of your choice. Use a sample robe hooks in your bathrooms, against the colored walls, to determine the best finish choice for your bath hardware. Seek out matching faucets to match your bath and kitchen hardware. Consider your appliance colors. A brass or copper finish with hardware does not necessarily compliment stainless steel appliances. Wood tones, also should be considered if stainless is your appliance choice.
Install with Purpose: Great care is taken when selecting fixtures, colors, flooring and countless other home design and structure components. Doors are chosen to reflect the architectural style of the home. Take just as great care with hardware.

Mortised or Drive In? More often than not, your builder will make this call for you, so stay informed.

Mortise: noun a notch, hole, groove, or slot made in a piece of wood or the like to receive a tenon of the same dimensions. A deep recess cut into wood for any of several other purposes, as for receiving a mortise lock. Drive in: verb the contractor does just that - with a hammer he drives this supreme quality latch into the hole of the door... with a hammer? Yes, with a hammer! I wonder how long its supremacy will last.

Door hardware is not our only consideration when addressing installation errors. Cabinet hardware plays a very important kitchen jewelry role. So often it is installed with little consideration given to the aesthetics it is meant to create. There are a number of solutions for cabinets that have already been drilled. A decorative back plate can hide many flaws. Bathroom Hardware installation requires the use of a level. Offset Towel Rods and Toilet Paper Holders can be very distracting.

I strongly recommend going with a company that offers installed sales. There is nothing worse than investing in quality hardware that serves your home daily only to devalue it immediately with poor and improper installation. One up and coming company that offers both in home professional sales from highly qualified design professionals and professional installation is Vicinity Hardware.

Avoid some Common Pitfalls:

Big Box Stores: Most designer hardware offered at Lowes and Home Depot requires special order. They are not able to key your entry systems alike, at the store. There are hardware providers that offer this service to their customers. DIY: Door Hardware is a complicated industry. If you are into doing the work yourself, be sure to use a hardware provider like Vicinity Hardware that will serve as an educational guide throughout your entire process. Hardware Warranty: Be sure to inquire into the warranty both finish and mechanical for the hardware you are choosing. Oftentimes the warranty is only good to the original owner. This poses a problem if you are preparing your home for sale. You get what you pay for: If it is the cheapest option out there, be prepared to pay in the long run.

Hardware is a daily Hands-On Experience. Touch it and use it. Studies indicate that the perception of value within the housing market lies within a small variation of finish components, including countertops, doors, windows and hardware. Consider the activity in your home daily. From opening cabinets, to closet doors, to entering and exiting your home; hardware is touched countless times, each and everyday. We only notice hardware directly when it interferes with our ability to use it. In this way, hardware is the most utilized fixture within any home, and the most overlooked element of function and design. Expect to spend a bit more in order to ensure the life of your hardware; a worthwhile investment that will open the door to value.

The Most Overlooked Components of Value

Echo Garrett is the CEO of Equity Enterprises LLC. She is an ASID certified designer specializing in hardware fixtures for the remodel industry. See her regular blog at



Thursday, August 25, 2011

Storm Shield Garage Door Threshold

There is rarely a home anywhere in the world that does not have a garage. This is due to the increasing number of cars that people own. Some households own up to three cars. This means that it is vital that they have somewhere safe and secure to store their vehicle or vehicles. The garage is the best place for this. The piece of equipment that ensures that your garage is safe is the door.

storm doors

There are a wide variety of different materials available to have your garage door constructed from. You can have it made from steel, wood or even aluminum. They are all effective but all require some sort of seal to fill in the garage door threshold. Here is some information on the various types of garage door available. The material used will determine the type of threshold seal that you require.


Wood is probably one of the oldest and most used materials. It certainly has a great deal of charm and is still preferred by many over the more modern metals and plastics of the modern world. They feel that the wood gives a character that the other materials just cannot deliver. Garage door insulation is essential with wooden doors, as you cannot allow any water to get in to penetrate the wood. You must have a high quality threshold sealant to help prevent rotting and severe damage to your door. The great thing about using wood though is that if it does endure wear and tear over the years it can be reconditioned without the need to replace the entire door.

The most used type of door however is the steel door. You will see this one on most garages across America. Steel is extremely strong and robust, and is impervious to rust. This gives you great peace of mind that the door will last for many years to come. Even though steel is extremely strong, the threshold still requires to be sealed properly. In parts of the country that constantly suffer from hurricanes, you will often see a storm shield garage door threshold seal fitted. These are extra strong and can withstand even the most extreme of weather conditions. Vital if you are located in a hurricane zone.

Some may even opt for the lighter weight fiberglass composite garage door. These are less common as they do not provide the level of security that the previous two do. They can be lower in cost though. Whichever of the options you opt for you must ensure that you install a good quality garage door threshold seal. This is key is providing you with a weather proof and secure garage.

Storm Shield Garage Door Threshold

Timothy Jenkins is a retired home builder, and spends most of his time working on his home improvement projects and garage door insulation. Learn more about garage door insulation kits at Tim's site:


How to Install a Door

If you're a do-it-yourselfer, and installing a door is a sticking point for you, you now have no more reason to fear. Figuring out how to do this will open up an entire new window of opportunity for you. The reason being that a new door can change the whole overall look and style to any room, as well as enhance the exterior of your home. Plus, and many people love this, by sealing more tightly shut can help decrease your heating bill.

storm doors lowes

Basically there are three kinds of doors. There are doors that act, as the entry to your home, there are interior doors such as for bedrooms and the all important bathroom door, and the combo storm/screen door. Replacing a door involves a few steps that must be taken, and I'll go over those for you now.


The most difficult door is probably the entry door and once you've mastered this type of door all the others are pretty much a simplified process, since the locks are usually either much more simple or not even included.

Changing a combination storm/screen door will usually follow the same procedure of the entry door, though sometimes it's a bit more complicated. If you're unsure how to do it, look at your manufacturer's information for more instructions, or call up and talk to a representative of the manufacturer, or the store that sold it to you.
Remove the old door.

You have to remove the old door obviously to replace it. You'll have to open the door, and stick a wedge under the outer corner so as to take weight off the hinges. Usually, the door will have a hinge that contains a pin that you have to pop out. Sometimes after years of paint or rust this is a bit difficult. You'll need something to tap it out upward to release it. After the hinges have been taken off, you can take the door off the frame.

You can either leave and reuse the same hinges or else take them off and use new ones. If you use new hinges, just ensure that they're the same size as the old ones.

You may have to trim the door down to fit. You'll want to cut along the bottom using the old door as a pattern, or else just leave a 1/8" clearance along the bottom and 1/16th along the sides and top. If it's going to be over carpet you'll want to go a bit more on the bottom like ¾" using a fine toothed saw, or a block or jack plane.
Prepare new door for hinges.

To replace the door put the new door in the frame, put the top and bottom pins into the hinges. Hopefully it will fit in nicely and now you've got yourself a new door. If need be you'll have to install a new lock set to your door. Now you've put in a new door, aren't you proud of yourself?

How to Install a Door

Ray Walberg's reports can be discovered on different online publications related to power tools and machinery. Working on his detailed writings such as, the author improved his deep knowledge on problems relating to woodworking.


What is EDI?

Have you heard someone mention EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or eCommerce
and wondered what it was? Simply put, eCommerce is the exchange of information
about trading goods, services, or money from computer to computer. For example,
the purchase of a widget over the internet, paying a bill, tracking an overnight
package delivery, or receiving a paycheck electronically.

security doors lowes

Now imagine you're a company. You want to do the same transactions, but
thousands of time a day. That is where EDI steps in. EDI is an agreed upon
message standard that exchanges information from one computer application to
another with the minimum of human intervention. And 95% of all eCommerce uses
EDI to exchange that information. It can be done with special software via e-mail,
across the Internet, or by customized connections. And it goes beyond just
purchasing goods and submitting invoices. A company can request information
about inventory levels in it's suppliers' and customers' warehouses, receive an order
status; and send funds electronically along with automatic notification that an
invoice was paid. These are just a few of the many types of automated transactions


EDI is not something new. As a matter of fact, it is much older than you might
think. Yet to some industries it is only a few years old. And the health industry of
the United States had to be mandated by the Federal government before they dared
venture into EDI.

Who uses EDI? And how and where did it all start? What are the benefits? What are
the costs? What are the legalities? And why, with all the apparent advantages, do
some industries balk at switching to EDI? Well let's start at the beginning to see
how it all came about.

Who uses EDI?

About 90% of the fortune 1000 companies currently use EDI. Companies such as
American Airlines, BMW, Coca-Cola, Dunkin Donuts, Eastman Kodak, Federal
Express, Gordmans, Heinz, InFocus, JCPenney, Kohls, Lowes, Macys, Nike,
Openheimer, Prudential Insurance, Queens City Government, Radio Shack, Staples,
Texaco, United Airlines, Verizon, Wachovia, and Yokohama Tires to name but a few.
EDI is widely used in manufacturing, shipping, warehousing, utilities,
pharmaceuticals, construction, petroleum, metals, food processing, banking,
insurance, retailing, government, health care, and textiles among other industries.

Any company that buys or sells goods or services can potentially use EDI. Because it
supports the entire business cycle, EDI can streamline the relationship that any
company has with its customers, distributors, suppliers, and so forth. According to
a recent study, the number of companies using EDI is projected to quadruple within
the next six years.

History of EDI

The first recorded EDI dates back to the 1850s when the railroads and Western
Union used the telegraph to communicate business information. Starting there,
Samuel Morse's patented code was the single method used to communicate across
the lines.

In 1948 during the Berlin Airlift, thousands of tons of food and consumables were
needed to be air freighted. The task of coordinating these consignments (which
arrived with differing manifests, languages and numbers of copies) was addressed
by devising a standard manifest.

In the late 1950's and early 1960's the rise of computer enabled companies to store
and process data electronically, companies needed an expedient method to
communicate the data. This method was realized by the widespread use of
computer telecommunications. Using telecommunications, companies could
transmit data electronically over telephone lines, and have the data input directly
into a trading partner's business application. These electronic interchanges
improved response time, reduced paperwork, and eliminated the potential for
transcription errors. Computer telecommunications, however, only solved part of
the problem.
Early electronic interchanges were based on proprietary formats agreed between two
trading partners. Due to differing document formats, it was difficult for a company
to exchange data electronically with many trading partners. What was needed was a
standard format for the data being exchanged. In 1968 the United States
Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC) was formed, to coordinate the
development of translation rules among four existing sets of industry-specific

In the mid 1970's, it was clear that the TDCC standards were not enough, and work
began for national EDI standards. The Electronic Data Interchange Association
(EDIA), a non-profit organization set out to serve as an administrator for several
different industry groups. Each industry served has a committee to determine new
standards, modify existing ones, and pass the information on to the EDIA for
publication and distribution. EDIA was asked to develop a set of standards
applicable to the grocery industry. The first such standard is The Uniform
Communication Standard (UCS) which was applied to an actual transaction by the
Quaker Oats Company in 1981.

In 1979 the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards
Committee (ASC) was formed. It included representatives from transportation,
government & computer manufacturer industries, The committee's first meeting
took place in Rosslyn, Virginia with the goal to create a set of standard data formats
based on the TDCC structure that:

- were hardware independent;

- were unambiguous, such that they could be used by all trading partners;

- reduced the labor-intensive tasks of exchanging data (e.g., data re-entry);

- allowed the sender of the data to control the exchange, including knowing if and
when the recipient received the transaction.

In 1982, Version 1 of the ANSI ASC certified release of draft X.12 standards was

At about the same time, the U.K. Department of Customs and Excise, with the
assistance of SITPRO (the British Simplification of Trade Procedures Board), was
developing its own standards for documents used in international trade, called
Tradacoms. These were later extended by the United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe (UNECE) into what became known as the GTDI (General-purpose Trade
Data Interchange standards), and were gradually accepted by some 2,000 British
exporting organizations.

Problems created by the trans-Atlantic use of two different (and largely
incompatible) sets of standardized documents have been addressed by the
formation of a United Nations Joint European and North American working party
(UN-JEDI), which began the development of the Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) document translation

Early on, Value Added Networks (VANs) served as an "electronic post office" for
buyers and suppliers that needed to exchange data. For example, Company A could
send an electronic purchase order to the VAN and Company B could go to the VAN
to pick it up. If Company B claimed it did not receive the purchase order, the VAN
would serve as a third-party intermediary and would validate whether the purchase
order had in fact been picked up or not. That is the type of "value-add" these
networks provided.

Despite the benefits, VAN EDI had limited adoption because it was cost-prohibitive
for most companies to deploy. Before Internet EDI became available, approximately
80% of the suppliers in any given supply chain were communicating with their
customers manually via fax, telephone and snail mail because they could not afford
the investment required for VAN EDI. This resulted in inefficiencies throughout the
supply chain including: lost or mis-keyed purchase orders, late invoices, out-of-
stocks, etc.

With the advent of secure Internet EDI, companies of every size are now able to
transact electronically with their trading partners. And VAN services such as
"Message Disposition Notifications" (MDNs) are built right into the software

Benefits of EDI

Consider a very simple non-EDI-based purchase: A buyer decides he needs 365
widgets. He creates a purchase order, prints it out and pops it in the mail. When
the supplier gets the order, she types it into her company's computer system. The
inventory guy pulls the order and ships out the widgets. Next, the supplier prints
out and mails an invoice. It's not hard to imagine that this process could take
several days. EDI has the potential to cut massive amounts of time out of the
process. Sending documents, such as purchase orders or invoices, electronically
takes minutes, not days, and shipments can often go out the day the order comes

Moreover, the electronic format does not need to be re-keyed upon arrival. And
that is the part of the biggest benefit of EDI. This saves a tremendous amount of
labor time, and means that no data entry errors are introduced into your system by
your staff. Cycle times are reduced, and data entry backlogs are almost completely
eliminated. This allows for very quick order processing. A proper system can easily
handle receiving an order and shipping that order with its invoice the same day.
Studies indicate that the average reduction in turn around time is about 40% for
most business functions like order fulfillment, procurement, manufacturing,
logistics and finance.

This often allows a company that first implements EDI to handle far greater volumes
without adding personnel and other costs. This means increased sales and
increased revenues once the initial investment in EDI is recaptured.
These savings come from:

o No data entry errors from your operators

o No mail time

o Reduced labor processing costs and time

o Reduced lead times

o Reduced order cycle time

o Reduced inventory carrying costs

o No filing and other processing of paperwork

EDI improves margins by meeting customer demands and consequently
strengthening relationships. It also allows time and effort to be focused on other
internal priorities.

Studies have shown that processing a purchase order or invoice costs most
companies about in paper, postage, handling, direct labor and other such odds
and ends of direct costs. With EDI this can be reduced to about 50 cents;
sometimes as little as 13 cents, depending on how the EDI document is transmitted.
If your direct handling costs are greater, the savings is greater.

Another benefit is the implementation of Just-In-Time (JIT) order process
methodology. With Just-in-Time, a company can avoid stock-outs and/or obsolete
inventories, reduce lead times on ordering from suppliers and reduce inventory
carrying costs. Whether implementing a subset or the whole of JIT process
methodology, EDI is what makes Just-In-Time possible and allows it to be feasible.
With the proper agreements between trading partners, a manufacturer can
determine the current sales of their buyers and their buyers' current inventory
levels. Therefore the manufacturer can forecast probable future sales and plan
production and their own purchasing accordingly. Obviously there will occasionally
be wild fluctuations that will disturb this scenario, but it does help the manufacturer
to accurately plan production, and the purchaser to know that their needs will more
likely be met by their suppliers.

Just-In-Time helps the manufacturer communicate quickly and inexpensively with
their suppliers, who may be using the same forecasting to meet the requirements of
their customers.

Disadvantages of EDI

The biggest disadvantage implementing EDI is it reveals inefficient business
practices. If a company's business process was inefficient before EDI, they will be
multiply with the implementation of EDI. The original purpose of EDI was to save
money and time. When used improperly, EDI does neither, and actually wastes both.

Costs of EDI

Prices for EDI applications vary from free (for very simple one-function products) to
several thousands of dollars for full-function applications. The final price you pay
depends upon several things:
The Expected Volume of Electronic Documents. Generally speaking, low cost EDI packages handle only a few documents and trading partners. Midrange EDI packages can be a little more expensive, but handle a much larger volume of EDI. If you anticipate multiple documents or trading partners, a midrange EDI system is a much better choice. The Amplitude of the EDI Translation Software. Some products look like a bargain, but as your EDI needs grow, hidden costs (such as having to purchase new transaction sets) suddenly appear. You may pay more for a program with an integrated mapper, but you'll avoid purchasing overlays and maps in the future. Implementation Time. Some applications are easier to learn and use than others. But as above, the easier to lean the less the software package can handle. The more time you spend in training, the more time it takes to get into production mode. If your time frame is tight, and you are sure the documents you will be using are static, look for a translator that doesn't require training before implementation.
Fees vary from Software Company to Software Company. Ignoring
the hidden costs mentioned above, you can expect the following ongoing charges:
Maintenance Fees. Most companies charge an annual maintenance fee that is usually a percentage of the translator's list price. This fee should include software updates, standards updates, technical support, and customer service. VAN Charges. If you use a Value Added Network (VAN), you will be billed for transmitting data similar to making a long distance phone call. Some also bill you for connect time. A fast modem helps to lower transmission costs. Mailbox Fee. Most VANs charge a monthly fee for maintaining a mailbox on their network. Some base billing on the document (25 cents per document transmitted). Others charge based upon the number of characters in each document.
EDI can at times take much longer than expected. Remember, you are working with
another company and you have no control over their priorities or business practices.
Your priority may be to implement a Purchase Order (850) with Wal-mart, but their
priority may be implementing the Advance Ship Notice (856). You need to
implement a Remittance Advice (820) with Wachovia yet their Remittance Advice
specialist is on Maternity leave and her replacement only knows Lockbox (823).

Despite its few disadvantages, EDI has proven to be a powerful backbone that supports today's Electronic Commerce. Companies all over the world utilize EDI's
versatility and flexibility to communicate with each other. And with the promise of
the Web, which offers much lower connectivity costs, and the lower costs of PCs and
simpler software, EDI is opening its doors to smaller companies. Moreover, XML, an
open standard for sharing data, is starting to appear as a method of EDI coding
standards, which could provide technical clarity across industries and nations
around the world.

What is EDI?

Christopher Alexander is a lead developer at CE InterWeb Solutions and a Managing Partner at Consolidated Energies.

He has been developing advanced eCommerce applications with EDI since 1997.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Steps to Installing Walk-In Tubs and Baths

Having bathtubs is a very luxurious experience. For some people, sitting on a relaxing tub is the most exciting part of the day. Just imagine having your own quiet time, pondering your happy moments and thinking of just about any trivial and random things; all these plus the physical indulgence brought about by bathing your body in the warm water and soaking in the suds; and to top it all, a candlelight ambiance and a glass of champagne. What could be more soothing than that? However, if you have a small bathroom space and you think this is not applicable to your home, here's good news for you. You can now consider buying walk-in tubs and baths!

retractable screen doors lowes

Walk-in baths and tubs do the exact same thing that regular bathtubs do; the only difference is its physical structure. They are not necessarily long (although some are long as well), they are deeper instead. This is why it can fit small bathrooms. Of course as it is called "walk-in", such tub has a door where a person walks-in. He or she has to close that door before bathing and must wait until the entire water drains before he/she opens it again to get out; therefore some patience is required to avoid excessive water spills. Considered buying your own? Well, at least you have to be aware on how it's going to be installed. The following are the basic steps in installing walk-in baths and tubs:


1. Prepare the needed information like the height and width of desired tub.

2. Choose its location.

3. Decide whether or not to remove previous tub. Locate access to plumbing and turn off the water.

4. Remove tub line, shower wall, and tiles where it is to be placed.

5. Set the tub in place and reconnect the pipes.

6. Use caulking in all areas that might leak such as doors and the flooring.

Now, enjoying a bath in a tub does not need much space anymore.

Steps to Installing Walk-In Tubs and Baths

Featured Articles:
-> Walk in Showers for Seniors
-> Walk In Tubs and Showers


Learning The Basics of Bathtub Refinishing

Bathing is a very pleasurable experience that relaxes the whole body giving a person a chance to rest and cleanse him or herself at the same time. Slipping into a hot bath (bubbles optional) for a period of time allows one to just close their eyes, relax, and just have a quiet time by himself or herself (bathing partner optional again). However, the way your bathtub looks can add to the enjoyment and fun in your bathing experience.

storm doors lowes

Giving your bath tub a different look doesn't mean that you should buy a brand new one. Buying a new one can be very expensive. So, with a little imagination and by following these simple steps, you can refinish your bathtub, give it that brand new look and have a more pleasurable experience bathing in your new bathtub.


When refinishing your bath-tub, you may want to consider your safety first before any other thing. Firstly, you need to make sure that your work area is well ventilated because refinishing your bathtub will involve the use of several kinds of chemicals. Make a checklist of safety materials you need before you go on and start refinishing your bathtub.

Protect yourself from chemicals that can be harmful to you by wearing safety goggles and gloves and also protect yourself from fumes by using a ventilator. Once you have all the necessary safety equipments, get all your supplies and start refinishing your bathtub.

The first thing you have to do in refinishing your bathtub once you have all safety equipments on is giving your bathtub a cursory cleaning and removing of any loose caulking or gaskets.

You can buy bath tub refinishing kits in your local hardware store which will usually include several chemicals. You will notice that at least one or two of the chemicals are cleaning solutions that will relatively prepare your bathtub for refinishing. These chemicals will remove soaps and oils from the surface of the bathtub. It will also require you to scrub your bathtub with sandpaper, usually with a 220 or 240 grit. The next step is to rinse away any residue caused by sandpaper scrubbing.

Once you have cleaned the bath, the next step is to apply the primer. However, before you apply the primer, you should first mask the areas you don't want to refinish. You can do this with a masking tape and paper. Make sure you cover the areas you don't want to refinish.

Applying the base coat for your bath tub is the next step for refinishing your bathtub. Always remember to wear safety gears, like a respirator, a pair of gloves and goggles to ensure no harm comes to your body. After you applied the base coat, let it thoroughly dry first before applying the topcoat.

The top coat is the color you want your bathtub to have. It can be anything you want. When mixing the top coat for your bathtub, follow the manufacturer's instruction for maximum quality. Apply the paint or the top coat with a spray gun in a smooth and even motion. It will take about 48 to 72 hours to cure, depending on the weather.

Refinishing your bath-tub can be one of the best and cost-effective ways to give your bathroom a new look. Besides, if you can do it yourself, why hire someone else to do the job for you?

These are the basic process on how to refinish your bathtub by yourself. Always remember that your main priority when doing this kind of project is your safety. So, don't forget to wear safety gears when you refinish.

Giving your bathtub a different look doesn't mean that you should buy a brand new one. You know that buying a new one can be very expensive. So, with a little imagination and by following these simple steps, you can refinish your bathtub, give it that brand new look and have a more pleasurable experience bathing in your new bathtub.

When refinishing your bath, you may want to consider your safety first before any other thing. Firstly, you need to make sure that your work area is well ventilated because refinishing your bathtub will involve the use of several kinds of chemicals. Make a checklist of safety materials you need before you go on and start refinishing your bathtub.

Protect yourself from chemicals that can be harmful to you by wearing safety goggles and gloves and also protect yourself from fumes by using a ventilator. Once you have all the necessary safety equipments, get all your supplies and start refinishing your bathtub.

The first thing you have to do in refinishing your bathtub once you have all safety equipments on is giving your bathtub a cursory cleaning and removing of any loose caulking or gaskets.

You can buy refinishing kits in your local hardware store which will usually include several chemicals. You will notice that at least one or two of the chemicals are cleaning solutions that will relatively prepare your bathtub for refinishing. These chemicals will remove soaps and oils from the surface of the bathtub. It will also require you to scrub your bathtub with sandpaper, usually 220 or 240 grit. The next step is to rinse away any residue caused by sandpaper scrubbing.

Once you have cleaned the tub, the next step is to apply the primer. However, before you apply the primer, you should first mask the areas you don't want to refinish. You can do this with a masking tape and paper. Make sure you cover the areas you don't want to refinish thoroughly.

Applying the base coat for your tub is the next step for refinishing your bathtub. Always remember to wear safety gears, like a respirator, a pair of gloves and goggles to ensure no harm comes to your body. After you applied the base coat, let it thoroughly dry first before applying the top coat.

The top coat is the color you want your bathtub to have. It can be anything you want. When mixing the top coat for your bathtub, follow the manufacturer's instruction for maximum quality. Apply the paint or the top coat with a spray gun in a smooth and even motion. It will take about 48 to 72 hours to cure, depending on the weather.

Refinishing your bath-tub can be one of the best and cost-effective ways to give your bathroom a new look. Besides, if you can do it yourself, why hire someone else to do the job for you?

These are the basic process on how to refinish your tub by yourself. Always remember that your main priority when doing this kind of project is your safety. So, don't forget to wear safety gears when you refinish.

Learning The Basics of Bathtub Refinishing

Claire Bowes is a successful freelance writer and owner of Bathtub Refinishing and Designs where you will find further tips to spruce up your bathtub.